Police Records
Police Records and the Open Public Records Act
Please use the link below to file an Open Public Records Act request for all past and current criminal investigations by the Raritan Township Police Department. All motor vehicle accident investigations can be obtained in person at the Raritan Township Police Department WITHOUT completing the OPRA request form.
Open Public Records Act Request Form
Any police record deemed to be a public record must be requested in person at Raritan Township Police Department headquarters. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 requires that the person who requests a public record must personally sign that they received the requested record.
Records can be retrieved from the Raritan Township Police Department Monday through Friday between 7:00am and 7:00pm. If you need assistance with your records request, please call Officer Manager Lillian McDermott at 908-782-8889, Extension 3324.
Certain police records, including the records listed below, are exempt from public access. If you request a record deemed to be exempt from release, you will be notified of the denial of access to the record requested.You have the right to appeal the decision to the Public Records Council or to the New Jersey Superior Court as provided by N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6-7.
Discovery requests pursuant to Rule 3:13-3 for criminal records for an appearance in Raritan Township Municipal Court may be made in writing to the Raritan Township Police Department.
You may review the Public Access to Government Records Law in its entirety on the State of New Jersey website. For information about access to other township public records, please contact the Raritan Township Clerk's Office at 908-806-6100.
Police Records which are Exempt from the Open Public Records Act include:
- Autopsy Reports
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Computer Security Information
- Criminal Investigatory Records
- Credit Card Numbers
- Grand Jury Testimony Information
- Grievance Information with Public Employer
- Domestic Violence Data
- Driver's License Numbers
- DYFS Information
- Electronic Surveillance Materials
- Emergency Procedures
- Employee Sexual Harassment Complaints
- Fingerprint Cards
- Inter-Agency or Intra-Agency Advisory Communications
- Juvenile Records
- Labor Negotiation Information
- Medical Examiner Photographs
- Otherwise Inappropriate Material
- Pension and Personnel Records
- Photographs
- Pre-Sentence Investigations
- Public Agency Insurance Communications
- Safety of Persons or Public
- Security Measures and Surveillance Techniques
- Sealed Court Records
- Social Security Numbers
- Unlisted Telephone Numbers
- Victim Records